Tag: Microsoft Teams

  • Mention Everyone in Teams Chat | Ep 267

    Mention Everyone in Teams Chat | Ep 267

    Busy Teams chats get muted. Noisy chats get ignored. Mention someone in a chat and you get their attention. Now, when you need to address everyone in the chat, you can. But should you? Daniel and Darrell discuss.  This week on the 365 Message Center Show Also, on this last episode for the year:…

  • Microsoft Teams: Meeting Toolbar Improvements | Ep 266

    Microsoft Teams: Meeting Toolbar Improvements | Ep 266

    We find it difficult to get to the Reactions in Teams meetings quickly. When everyone is giving applause, hearts or laughs, I’m the slowest to get to those buttons. Similarly, raising a hand has been a couple of clicks away. The Teams meeting toolbar is changing to fix this. Maybe we will all clap and…

  • Loop components in Whiteboard & OneNote viewer | Ep 264

    Loop components in Whiteboard & OneNote viewer | Ep 264

    Bring Loop components into your meeting Whiteboards by copying the Loop link and pasting it into the board. Now you can create a quick list of tasks amidst your sticky notes, and much more. Teams mobile app will soon support viewing OneNote. If your channel has a notebook tabbed in, you will be able to…